VerseVibe | 拾書所


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Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among towering mountains, there lived people from different walks of life. They had different traditions, beliefs, and ways of living. Despite these differences, they managed to coexist in harmony. One day, a traveler arrived in the village. The traveler was amazed at the sight of people living together peacefully despite their diverse backgrounds. Curious, the traveler approached an old woman sitting under a tree and asked, ’How is it possible for people with such different lives to live in peace?’ The old woman smiled and replied, ’In our village, we embrace the beauty of acceptance. We understand that differences make the world vibrant and change is the only constant. Instead of fearing what we don’t understand, we embrace it with open hearts and open minds.’ The traveler pondered on the old woman’s words and realized that true harmony could only come from acceptance. From that day on, the traveler spread the message of acceptance wherever they went, spreading harmony in its wake.

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