In this heartwarming tale, young readers will follow the brave baby puffin Lukka and learn about the fascinating life cycle of puffins and their unique habits. Through the pages of this enchanting story, children will be inspired to be courageous and independent, just like Lukka, as she spreads her wings and takes a big step towards independence.
With beautiful illustrations and an engaging narrative, ’Courageous Baby Puffin Lukka’s Journey’ is a perfect read for young children who’d love to learn about puffins!
Learn interesting facts about puffins!- Puffin couples usually mate for life.
- Puffin couples spend about eight months a year apart, exploring the big, wide ocean. But when late spring arrives, they find each other on an island or land and make an egg.
- Puffins lay just one egg a year.
- Mommy and daddy puffins take turns to keep it warm under their wings for about 6 weeks.
- More than 60% of the world’s Atlantic puffin population nest in Iceland.
- Baby puffins are called pufflings.
- Pufflings like Lukka are born dark grey and not very colorful. But as they grow up, they will become as bright and colorful as Lukka’s mom and dad!
- ... and more!