Traumatic Brain Injury: Diagnosis, Management and Rehabilitation | 拾書所

Traumatic Brain Injury: Diagnosis, Management and Rehabilitation

$ 7,290 元 原價 7,290

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a non-degenerative, non-congenital lesion or damage to the brain caused by an external mechanical force. As a result of injury to the brain, the patient may experience a permanent or temporary impairment of cognitive, physical and psychosocial functions due to reduced or altered state of consciousness. TBI can be broadly categorized into closed head injury and open brain injury. Serious blow to the brain wherein an object strikes the head but is not able to break the skull is called closed head injury. Open head injury happens when an object hits the head and penetrates into the brain. Falls, vehicle-related collisions, violence, and sports injuries are some of the main causes of TBI. Loss of consciousness, memory or concentration problems, headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, and changes in sleeping patterns, are some of the common symptoms of TBI. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in the diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury. The readers would gain invaluable knowledge that would broaden their perspective about this medical condition.

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