Misery: Finding Light and Healing in Times of Darkness (by ITP Press) | 拾書所

Misery: Finding Light and Healing in Times of Darkness (by ITP Press)

$ 219 元 原價 219

In the depths of darkness, we seek the light that can guide us toward healing and transformation.

"Misery: Finding Light and Healing in Times of Darkness" explores the universal human experience of suffering and offers profound insights on how to navigate through it with resilience and hope. This insightful book delves into the nature of misery, its causes, and the path to liberation from its grip.

Through profound teachings, and practical wisdom, it illuminates the transformative power of compassion, self-reflection, and inner strength in the face of life’s challenges. Discover how to find solace, regain inner balance, and embrace the journey toward healing and self-realization.

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