The Mirror of Self-Love | 拾書所

The Mirror of Self-Love

$ 2,999 元 原價 2,999

Once upon a time, in a bustling ant colony, there lived a tiny, yet self-absorbed ant named Avery. Avery was constantly boastful about their strength and accomplishments. Every ant in the colony grew tired of their arrogance. One day, the wise old ant queen summoned Avery and gave them a special task. ’Avery, I have a mission for you, ’ the queen said. ’You must venture into the treacherous forest and retrieve a rare flower known for its healing powers.’ Excited to showcase their strength, Avery eagerly agreed and set off on their journey. As they traversed the forest, Avery met numerous challenges. They encountered giant spiders, menacing frogs, and treacherous terrain. But as Avery faced these trials, they began to realize the significance of teamwork and humility. They found themselves relying on the help of other ants along the way, working together to overcome each obstacle. Finally, after days of searching, Avery discovered the rare flower. Overwhelmed with gratitude, they returned to the ant colony and presented the flower to the queen. From that day forward, Avery transformed completely. They abandoned their egotistical behavior and instead became a champion of humility and cooperation. Avery’s transformation inspired other ants in the colony to let go of their own egos, fostering a stronger and unified community. The lesson of Avery’s journey is that sometimes, it takes a challenging expedition for the ego to dissolve. Through teamwork and humility, one can achieve greatness and make a lasting impact on others.

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