Silent Whispers | 拾書所

Silent Whispers

$ 2,999 元 原價 2,999

Once upon a time, in a village nestled amidst towering mountains, there lived an old sage renowned for his wisdom. The villagers revered him and sought his guidance whenever they faced challenges or dilemmas in life. One day, a young man approached the sage, troubled by the clamor and confusion that enveloped his mind. "Wisest of sages," he pleaded, "how can I find peace within the chaos of life?" The old sage smiled and handed the young man a small wooden flute. "Listen carefully," he said, "for within the echoes of this flute lies the answer you seek." The young man took the flute, blowing into it gently. Instead of music, he heard the soothing sound of silence resonating in his ears. As he continued to listen, the chaotic thoughts within his mind gradually faded away, leaving behind a profound stillness. From that day forward, he carried the flute with him, using it as a reminder that wisdom often lies not in the noise of the world, but in the echoes of silence.

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