Brazil and Her People of To-day | 拾書所

Brazil and Her People of To-day

$ 760 元 原價 760

"The favourable reception given by the public to the two previous books, "Mexico and Her People of To-day" and "Guatemala and Her People of Today," induced the writer to continue his studies of the Latin-American countries and people. To this end an extensive trip was made through several of the republics on that great continent to the south of us, and this work is the first result of that journey. Like the previous books it is presented as a study of the country and people from the most reliable authorities, as well as a record of impressions. In its preparation many books have been read and scores of people, Americans, Europeans and Brazilians, have been consulted and interviewed. The author’s purpose has been to present this treatise upon a neighbouring republic and study of our fellow Americans from a broad viewpoint, and avoid the narrowness of

some writings in which everything different or unfamiliar is deemed a fit subject for caustic criticism. With this brief explanation of the purpose of this book, and method of its preparation, "Brazil and Her People of To-day" is given to the public."

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