Bloomberg Businessweek 美國商業週刊 2019/05/06 第20期 | 拾書所

Bloomberg Businessweek 美國商業週刊 2019/05/06 第20期

$ 250 元 原價 250
Microsoft, that blue screen of irrelevance, is bigger than Apple (slightly), Amazon, and everybody else. How’d that happen?
The congratulatory texts and tweets started the last week of November. Microsoft had overtaken Apple to become the world’s most valuable company, a stunning climax in a year that also saw it pass Amazon and Google’s Alphabet Inc. Longtime employees, who’d grown accustomed to thinking of Microsoft as far removed from its glory years, when it was run by Bill Gates and feared as the “Evil Empire,” were flooded with messages from friends and family.Yet not a word of this achievement was uttered when Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella gathered his senior staff for their weekly meeting that Friday. In an interview at Microsoft Corp. headquarters in Redmond, Wash., Nadella appears irritated by questions about the company’s ascendancy. “I would be disgusted if somebody ever celebrated our market cap,”…
慶祝短信和推文從11月的最後一週開始。微軟已經超過蘋果成為世界上最有價值的公司,這是一年中一個令人震驚的高潮,微軟也超過了亞馬遜(Amazon)和谷歌旗下的Alphabet Inc.。老員工們已經習慣了把微軟視為遠離輝煌歲月的公司,那時微軟由比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)執掌,被視為“邪惡帝國”,被來自朋友和家人的信息淹沒。然而,當首席執行官薩蒂亞納德拉(Satya Nadella)召集高級員工參加週五的每週例會時,卻沒有提到這一成就。微軟總部位於華盛頓州雷德蒙德。納德拉似乎對有關該公司優勢地位的問題感到惱火。“如果有人讚美我們的市值,我會感到噁心。”

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