Bloomberg Businessweek 美國商業週刊 2019/05/20 第22期 | 拾書所

Bloomberg Businessweek 美國商業週刊 2019/05/20 第22期

$ 250 元 原價 250
WeWork Wants to Become Its Own Landlord With Latest Spending Spree
Adam Neumann runs one of the few startups on Earth for which $2 billion of fresh funding was, or ever could be, terrible news. Just before last Christmas, Masayoshi Son, Neumann’s most important investor, called to say that was his final offer and that their negotiations over an additional $16 billion for Neumann’s WeWork were over. Shares of Son’s SoftBank Group Corp. stock had dropped sharply a few days earlier along with the rest of the stock market, and Son had decided the $8.5 billion he’d already invested wasn’t worth more than doubling, even to take a majority stake. With a cash infusion almost an order of magnitude less than it had expected, WeWork Cos. would have to figure out on its own how to stop losing $1.9 billion a year.
That flip-flop revived questions about what exactly the office-space-renting startup is and how it should be seen. Son made the call because the biggest investors in SoftBank’s $100 billion Vision Fund didn’t want to be so exposed to a single real estate company, according to people familiar with his thinking. SoftBank didn’t respond to a request for comment. Neumann says the reversal was understandable given the momentary market freakout and that it’s tough to get too annoyed at the guy who’s given you a grand total of $10.5 billion. “They’re very nice people,” he says.
亞當•諾伊曼(Adam Neumann)是地球上為數不多的20億美元新融資曾經是、甚至可能是可怕消息的初創企業之一。就在去年聖誕節前夕,諾依曼最重要的投資者孫正義(Masayoshi Son)打電話來說,這是他的最終報價,他們就諾依曼WeWork另外160億美元的談判已經結束。孫正義持有的軟銀集團(SoftBank Group Corp.)的股票和其他股票幾天前一起大幅下跌,孫正義認為,他已經投資的85億美元不值兩倍多,即便是為了獲得多數股權。由於注入的現金幾乎比預期少了一個數量級,WeWork Cos。將不得不自己想辦法停止每年19億美元的虧損。

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