FORBES ASIA 富士比亞洲版 2019/12月號第12期 | 拾書所

FORBES ASIA 富士比亞洲版 2019/12月號第12期

$ 275 元 原價 275
與世界上最偉大的企業家英雄之一相遇的機會並不多見,而是兩次,而且都是在這位企業家人生旅途的關鍵時刻。阿里巴巴(Alibaba)創始人馬雲(Jack Ma)的情況就是如此。《Forbes》亞洲版的先驅雜誌《福布斯全球》在2000年7月24日的一期封面上刊登了馬雲的照片,並配上了這樣的標題:“為吸引眼球而戰”。因此,《Forbes》全球版成為全球第一家將馬雲作為封面人物的大型商業雜誌。在這篇文章的第一段,馬雲說:“我們對阿里巴巴的願景是成為中國乃至世界十大網站之一。這是一個決定性的預測。值得注意的是,阿里巴巴有大約150個……

It’s rare to cross paths with one of the world’s great entrepreneurial heroes not once but twice, both at pivotal moments in that entrepreneur’s journey. Such is the case with Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba. Forbes Global, the precursor magazine to Forbes Asia, had Ma on the cover of its July 24, 2000 issue, with the cover line: “Fighting for Eyeballs” (and written by this editor). Thus Forbes Global become the first major business magazine in the world to put Ma on its cover. In the first paragraph of that article, Ma is quoted as saying “Our vision for Alibaba is to become one of the top ten websites, not just in China but the world. Period!” It was a fateful prediction. What’s remarkable is that Alibaba had about 150…

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