FORBES ASIA 富士比亞洲版 2020/02月號第02期 | 拾書所

FORBES ASIA 富士比亞洲版 2020/02月號第02期

$ 275 元 原價 275
從2020年開始,這期2月號有兩個鮮明的特點。首先,這期是今年的第一期,同時也推出了新的設計,旨在與美國版《福布斯》的設計保持一致。藝術總監Mirna Aprilla巧妙地實現了這一點,並使該出版物煥然一新。其次是社論版:香港50大富豪榜。對於這個列表來說,即使不是最理想的時間,也是最合適的時間。香港正經歷著自2009年以來最嚴重的經濟衰退,而之前的衰退是由全球金融危機造成的。香港目前的困境是香港獨有的,持續的抗議活動或美國的干預都看不到明確的結果中美貿易戰。現在政治領導層面臨著壓力。

To start 2020, this February issue has two distinctive features. First, this issue is the first of the year and with it comes the launch of a new design, meant to bring continuity with the design of the U.S. edition of Forbes. It was ably realized by Art Director Mirna Aprilla and gives this publication a refreshed look. Second is the editorial feature: the Hong Kong 50 richest list. It’s well-timed, if not an ideal time, for this list. Hong Kong is suffering its worst downturn since 2009—and that previous slump was due to the global financial crisis. Its current woes are unique to the territory, with no clear end in sight for the continuing protests or the U.S.-China trade war. The pressure is on now for the political leadership in…


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