音樂技術101: 技術實驗室或家庭工作室中的音樂製作基礎附線上教學影片網址 | 拾書所

音樂技術101: 技術實驗室或家庭工作室中的音樂製作基礎附線上教學影片網址

$ 680 元 原價 680

Ideal for music students and teachers, this book breaks down the basics of music creation in the technology lab or home studio. Musician and teacher Heath Jones provides practical, actionable, and easy-to-understand information, resources, and advice to anyone interested in teaching a music technology course or learning how to become a do-it-yourself music producer. Nearly 90 minutes of video tutorials are included! Topics covered include: basic to advanced lab setups • using digital audio workstations (DAWs) • understanding & using MIDI • song forms • looping & repetition • melody & harmony • recording • editing • effects & plug-ins • and much more.


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