赫伯特·豪威爾斯-鋼琴作品集 | 拾書所


$ 1,000 元 原價 1,000
被視為霍爾斯特繼承人的 赫伯特·諾曼·豪威爾斯(Herbert Norman Howells 1892-1983)是一位英國作曲家,風琴家和教師,以其大量的英國國教教堂音樂而聞名。

這 27 首樂曲合集 由豪威爾斯學者 Jonathan Clinch 與 Matthew Schellhorn 合作編輯轉錄、首次出版,為世界最大的西洋古典音樂唱片品牌之一Naxos唱片錄製豪威爾斯 (Howells) 的完整鋼琴音樂作品,展示了這位著名英國作曲家此前被忽視的一面。

這些作品描繪了豪威爾斯的音樂發展歷程,從他 16 歲時創作的最早作品“阿拉伯之歌”到 80 多歲時完成的“佩特魯斯組曲”,並展示了他對法國音樂的迷戀(“幻影”、“哈勒金之夢”)和都鐸時期(“Pavane”和“Galliard”)。
該卷還包括對他的朋友和同為作曲家的芬齊(Finzi)的感人致敬。 本系列作品從富有個性的小品到更豐富套曲,將吸引豪威爾斯在新世紀的樂迷擁戴,以及任何尋求新鮮和獨特鋼琴曲目的人。

This collection of 27 pieces, transcribed and edited by the Howells scholar Jonathan Clinch and published for the first time to coincide with Matthew Schellhorn's recording of the complete piano music by Howells for Naxos, reveals a previously neglected aspect of this celebrated English composer.

The pieces chart the musical development of Howells, from his earliest known work “The Arab's Song,” written when he as 16, to the “Petrus Suite,” completed in his 80s, as well as demonstrating his fascination with French music (“Phantasy,” “Harlequin Dreaming”) and the Tudor period (“Pavane” and “Galliard.”) The volume also includes the moving tribute to his friend and fellow composer Finzi. Comprising a wide array of pieces from characterful miniatures to more substantial suites, the collection will appeal to Howells devotees and lovers of 20th century English music, as well as to anyone seeking fresh and distinctive piano repertoire.


The Arab's Song
Bassoonic's Dance
“Comme Le Cerf Soupire...”
Finnicle's Scherzo
Finzi: His Rest
Minuet 'Sine Nomine'
Minuet For Ursula
My Lord Harewood's Galliard
Odd's Minuet
Pavane And Galliard, II. Galliard
Pavane And Galliard, I. Pavane
Summer Idyls, I. Meadow-Rest
Summer Idyls, II. Summer-Song
Summer Idyls, III. June-Haze
Summer Idyls, IV. Down The Hills
Summer Idyls, V. Quiet Woods
Summer Idyls, VII. In The Morning
Summer Idyls, VI. Near Midnight
To A Wild Flower
Vagrant Flute

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