馬丁.史岱費爾德-鋼琴歌本 | 拾書所


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數度來台演奏的馬丁‧史岱費爾德(Martin Stadtfeld)的巴哈錄音一向廣獲好評。極具個性化的巴哈作品詮釋,曾獲得「國際巴哈音樂大賽」與「ECHO古典獎」(ECHO KLASSIK)的肯定,已然成為新世代的巴哈權威。

1980年出生的馬丁‧史岱費爾德,九歲首度登台,十四歲進入法蘭克福高等音樂學校,拜布梭尼大賽得主納托錢尼(Lev Natochenny)為師;17歲獲巴黎「魯賓斯坦」國際鋼琴大賽首獎、21歲以貝多芬的第32號鋼琴奏鳴曲摘下「布梭尼大賽」首獎、22歲時拿下從缺了14年之久的萊比錫「國際巴哈音樂大賽」首獎,並成為有史以來最年輕的得主。23歲為加盟的SONY唱片公司灌錄的首張專輯:巴哈《郭德堡變奏曲》,是足以與加拿大籍鋼琴家顧爾德相提並論的錄音。輝煌的紀錄使得史岱費爾德被視為年輕一代的鋼琴家中,詮釋巴哈的佼佼者。

“The works collected in this volume have accompanied me through my life. In difficult times, this music gives me stability and certainty.

The arrangements are partly free and subjective and distil what is essential for me. The motto was: as few notes as possible. This was also what I aspired to achieve in my 10 compositions in the third part. This means that most pieces can be used in piano lessons. Even those who return to the piano after a long time can pick up where they left off with these pieces. I hope that many people playing them will feel what I felt when making this volume: contemplation, absorption, inner strength.” (Martin Stadtfeld)


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