重返里山(DVD) | 拾書所


$ 299 元 原價 299
這裡,是台灣中部的小山村…… 劉定峯和他的祖先們,在這裡生活,已超過一個世紀。 百年來,他們遵循四季的運行與自然和諧共生,和土地彼此相依,交織出一幅稻田、埤塘和森林的「里山」美景。 但自從高速公路興建之後,「里山」逐漸消失,人與「里山」的情感變得疏離,直到大田鱉的出現,一切開始有了轉變……
Ting-feng Liu and several generations of his forebears have farmed and made their life here in this highland village in Central Taiwan for well over a century. This century of experience taught respect for seasonal rhythms, created sustainable synergies with nature and promoted interdependence with the land. It transformed Lishan into a beautiful patchwork of paddy fields, ponds, and forests. When the highway came to this once remote rural area, it unhinged Lishan's finely tuned sustainability and diluted man's relationship with the land. However, the discovery of the Taiwan giant water bug in Lishan changed things here once again, for the better.

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