臺灣蝶類誌第一卷鳳蝶科 | 拾書所


$ 650 元 原價 650
《臺灣蝶類誌第一卷:鳳蝶科》內容均依正統分類學方式製作,按科屬種方式編排,每一蝶種介紹,包含中名、異名表列、標本檢查、成蟲形態、世界分佈、在台灣分布、幼蟲寄主植物、生物學及註記;而且每一種類都有雌雄背、腹面標本彩圖、交尾器解剖彩圖,是首部完整論述臺灣本島與離島蝶類資源的分類學專著,分年編纂與出版,中英對照,共計五卷。 “Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan Volume.1: Papilionidae” contains an introduction to each species that includes their Chinese names and synonyms, specimen inspection, adult morphology, global distribution, distribution in Taiwan, larval host plants, biology and remarks. Each species of butterfly is depicted in color photos of the backs, the abdomens, and dissected genitalia of both female and male. The “Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan” study was the first time a complete series of monographs regarding the island, and the associated butterfly resources have been collected and reviewed with the latest data on their current status written in both Chinese and English for five volumes in total.

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