我倫理--人體研究倫理審查(三) | 拾書所


$ 540 元 原價 600
本書主編(陸翔寧)感謝各章節之責任作者的無私的貢獻及熱情參與,亦感謝臺灣花蓮慈濟醫學中心院長林欣榮教授惠賜序文。林欣榮醫師于2016年榮任美國AAAS Fellow,為臺灣神經外科醫學權威,亦為臺灣幹細胞臨床療法之先驅。林欣榮院長首創將胚胎幹細胞成功移植在巴金森氏症患者。由於林欣榮教授在幹細胞領域的努力與貢獻,榮獲2010年美國神經治療及再生醫學會最傑出獎之殊榮,實為臺灣之光。

主編也感謝Jonathon Luk的提供版面設計意見,Sienna Luk與Mindy Lin的觀點諮詢與鼓勵。最後,主編更感謝「臺灣學人出版網」的協助出版。


Ethics review of human research is to assure that research subjects’ health, dignity, rights and welfare be protected, a tenet reiterated in the Declaration of Helsinki and Belmont Report. Being one of the stakeholders in this modern world, someway or another, we cannot totally excuse ourselves not to know anything about the ethical issues of human research. The series of the books, iEthic, provide such an opportunity to meet that need.

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