探索健康、宇宙和靈魂世界(國際英文版) | 拾書所


$ 180 元 原價 200
The book is divided into three parts: health, the universe and the soul of the world. These are truly life experience of author's research for many years.

My Views on Health
The author grew up in the rural mountains of the mainland, in a chance, and found that eating raw natural foods and wild animals is better than with refined feed animals, in terms of stronger vitality and resistance to disease. Human modern diet and health issues were discussed based on these natural phenomena.

My views on Cosmology
The author saw a National Geographic Channel program about the big bang theory, and believed that there are some contradictions and have made some of his own views.

The Invisible World of Spirit
On a single hiking in the mountains, the author observed a unknown, curved light came across the sky and thus developed a new view towards the things of the world, or even that apart from the visible matters by human eyes, but also the existence of invisible soul world.

This book based on the belief of authors, and hope readers can have a new inspiration to health, the universe and our world.

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