Critical Inquiy:Some Winds on Works | 拾書所

Critical Inquiy:Some Winds on Works

$ 306 元 原價 360
Here is a collection of sixteen critical papers which inquire into literary problems found in works of eight British authors (Milton, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Arnold, and Graham Greene) as well as four American authors (Emerson, Frost, O’Neill, and Hemingway). Each critical inquiry herein is imagined as a wind made up of the critic’s breath while an author’s work is imagined as an endurable rock on which the wind blows. Readers may get wind of the author or the critic and may know how the wind blows and where it lies, but they are expected not to expect any wind to change the rock noticeably. What we want is merely the readers’ attention and we hope their own winds will duly come to help keep the world in winds.

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