台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯 | 拾書所

台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯

$ 480 元 原價 480
本輯以王禎和的短篇小說為主題,除了凸顯王禎和於台灣文學史上作為鄉土文學的先驅地位,也旨在向英語讀者譯介其具台灣鄉土特色的系列作品。本輯特邀臺大外文系鄭恆雄教授擔任客座編輯,撰寫〈導論〉並選擇英譯的作品:〈那一年冬天〉、〈兩隻老虎〉、〈小林來台北〉、〈伊會唸咒〉、〈素蘭要出嫁〉、〈老鼠捧茶請人客〉,以及〈素蘭小姐要出嫁──終身大事〉。前述七篇王禎和之原著則分別由長期耕耘台灣文學英譯的黃瑛姿、葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)、林麗君、陶忘機(John Balcom)、古芃(Bert M. Scruggs)以及台灣學者董崇選、強勇傑擔綱譯出。

The latest special issue of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series focuses on the short stories written by Wang Chen-ho not only to reveal his leading role in the Nativist literature that rose in Taiwan during the 1990s, but to introduce his works in the unique local language of Taiwan for English language readers. In this special issue on Wang Chen-ho, seven stories were selected for translation: “The Winter That Year,” “Two Tigers,” “Little Lin Comes to Taipei,” “She Really Can Put Curses on People,” “Sulan's Gonna Get Married,” “The Mouse Serves a Guest Tea,” and “Miss Sulan's Gonna Get Married—A Lifetime of Marital Bliss.” These seven stories span the two periods of Wang's works mentioned above. The first five belong to the first period of Naturalism, while the last two break away from Naturalism to embrace broader themes, even containing a lot of comedy, as in the final story, “Miss Sulan's Gonna Get Married—A Lifetime of Marital Bliss.”

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