42-form Tai Chi Sword is divided into 4 groups﹐including 42 movements﹐taking 3 to 4 minutes to complete. There are 18 sword strokes﹐5 step forms﹐3 stances﹐3 leg movements and 3 force-launching actions involved in this form. Supported by the Wushu Institution of the Chinese Sports Committee﹐this set of Tai Chi Sword was created at the beginning of 90s in 20th century by famous Wushu experts for the purpose of inheriting﹐ developing and innovating traditional Wushu culture. It follows the principle of inheriting tradition﹐complying with science﹐benefiting health and also suitable for competition. The 42- form Tai Chi Sword has retained the styles and features of traditional Tai Chi sword as well as gained new characteristics. It has rich content﹐standardized action﹐sound structure﹐original arrangement and rational layout. The number of movements﹐groups and the time it takes are all compliant with the requirements of competitions. Thus﹐it now has become an event in both national and international Wushu games.