The Use of Mao and the Chongqing Model | 拾書所

The Use of Mao and the Chongqing Model

$ 990 元 原價 1,100

MAO Zedong was a Chinese communist leader and founder of the People's Republic of China. He developed his own ideology and methodology known as Maoism or Mao Zedong Thought, and his thought has a great influence in China or even overseas.This book aims at bringing together a group of scholars to address the uses of Mao in China (PRC) today with special reference to the Bo Xilai case. It also provides insights and detail on how and what we know about modern China. Contributing authors, including a number of French scholars, illustrate how Maoism influence and engages in government, business sector or social life.

This timely volume will be of considerable interest to scholars, journalists, and those keen to better understand the changing values in China today.

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