樂.太魯閣 (DVD) | 拾書所

樂.太魯閣 (DVD)

$ 350 元 原價 350











全片採「太魯閣族語」發音,搭配 中/英/日 字幕。盒中並附有關於傳統織布、紋面、藤編、婚禮等說明,以及歌詞解說。

This is a life story about the Taroko tribe…common but extraordinary. The story begins with members of a family who left their ancestral home, crossed high mountain ridges, and settled down in the Taroko Gorge. Their men are good at hunting, tame on the mountain for planting. They are agile, bold, and powerful. Their women must learn how to weave cloth. They work hard to run their homes, and endure sufferings and hardships. From generation to generation, the family members follow their ancestral instructions, act with prudence and adhere to austerity, and respond to the calling of the ancestral soul.


The leading role in this story is a hunter warrior who is ridiculed as, “a man without a nose.” He meets a beautiful girl by chance who lives in a neighboring tribe. He falls in love with her at first sight, but he does not dare to express his love for her. In order to help him win the beauty’s heart, the elderly members in his family plot “a marriage by kidnapping the bride.” Will the hero and the beauty live happily ever after?


As the story goes, we will view migration to the east, weaving, facial tattooing, rattan weaving, weddings, millet harvesting, and hunting wisdom of the Truku tribe one after another. The life and culture of the Truku tribe for hundreds of years will also be displayed through the contents of ballads.

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