前往遍智之道:昂望奔登依格魯派了義與不了義的觀點所作的詮釋 | 拾書所


$ 405 元 原價 450
Buddhism suggests that it is possible to investigate the nature of reality ourselves; but to do so one needs to differentiate definitive teachings from those of interpretable meaning. William Magee’s book, Paths to Omniscience, discusses a number of topics related to the interpretation of scripture according to Dzong-ka-ba, Jam-yang-shay-ba, Nga-wang-bel-den, and other great scholars of the Geluk world.

Paths to Omniscience also addresses the Geluk approach to the practice of hermeneutics. Even within the lineage itself, scholars have not always agreed about interpretation of scripture. Paths to Omniscience describes intricate maneuvers enlivening the spirited controversies of these emminent Lamas.

Paths to Omniscience also includes translations of thirty annotations from Nga-wang-bel-den’s Annotations for (Jam-yang-shay-ba’s) “Great Exposition of Tenets”. These annotations show how diverse and wide-ranging a great commentarial author can be in his treatment of the basic text. Far from being mere footnotes to Jam-yang-shay-ba, the Annotations can instead be viewed as a seminar on his Great Exposition of Tenets

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