在醫院(附1CD) | 拾書所


$ 252 元 原價 280
The theme of Book Four is “ In the hospital” .
It is showed in different conversations occurred in various possible events in daily living. The contents are : “To register at a hospital”, “ To see a doctor”, “To get the medicine”, “To be hospitalized”, ”In a nursing station”, “To visit the sick”, “Discharge from a hospital”, “An accidental injury”,”In the emergency room”,”Comprehensive physical checkup”.

People in the stages of life have to go through birth, muturation and old age, disorders and death. “In the hospital” helps foreigners understand the cultures of various and the taboos in a hospital .





100堂中文課 100 Units Chinese
在醫院In the Hospital

 To register at a hospital
 To see a doctor
 To get the medicine
 To be hospitalized
 In a nursing station
 To visit the sick
 Discharge from a hospital
 An accidental injury
 In the emergency room
 Comprehensive physical checkup

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