休閒娛樂(附1CD) | 拾書所


$ 252 元 原價 280
The theme of Book Nine is “Entertainment”.
There are ten units: “Have fun at KTV”, “ Mountain climbing & hiking”, “To visit National Palace Museum “, “To see a performance in National Theatre “, “ Riding bikes at Riverside Park”, “To go to an exhibition in World Trade Center”, “To go around Holiday Jade Market”, “ Flower viewing in Yangmingshan”, “To go around Building 101” and “Going to Beitou Hot Spring”.

The Contents in Book Nine are based on authentic contexts and practical conversation. You may be recommended many recreational activities you can do in Taiwan. This is a textbook, a traveling guide, and one of your requisite books as well.



100堂中文課 100 Units Chinese
休閒娛樂 Entertainment
Have fun at KTV
Mountain climbing & hiking
To visit National Palace Museum
To see a performance in National Theatre
Riding bikes at Riverside Park
To go to an exhibition in World Trade Center
To go around Holiday Jade Market
Flower viewing in Yangmingshan
To go around Building 101
Going to Beitou Hot Spring

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