From Text to Talk:Famous People(25K) | 拾書所

From Text to Talk:Famous People(25K)

$ 170 元 原價 200

*至聖先師孔夫子 *一代暴君秦始皇 *無冕之皇凱撒大帝
*全腦天才達文西 *航海冒險家哥倫布 *童貞女王伊莉莎白一世
*火車發明人斯蒂芬森父子 *科學巨人愛因斯坦 *美國前總統柯林頓
*微軟公司創辦人比爾蓋茲 *足球金童貝克漢 *哈利波特作者羅琳



3.Word Bank雙語注釋:針對短文與會話,提供單字的雙語註釋,附有IPA音標,


This book has 12 units, and each of them has an interesting article that introduces a famous person. These well-known people’s backgrounds, life experiences, fundamental achievements, and powerful influences on modern society are carefully reviewed. Readers will gain a basic understanding of the reasons and great efforts that formed the foundations for the successes of these individuals.

This book aims to teach you some fairly simple English. Through reading this book, you will be equipped with a useful and basic English vocabulary. As you read this book, you will begin to understand how to use simple English words and basic sentence structures to communicate about the lives of these famous people.

Every unit in this book is divided into three sections that serve different functions.

Each unit begins with a few short passages that provide information about a particular famous person. These passages tell about that person’s birth, background, great achievements, and the different stages of his or her life.

In the Conversation section, two or three people will talk about the famous individual in that unit.

The Question section provides questions that are based on the previous passages and helps to test your reading comprehension.

By reading this book, you will have an exciting opportunity to take a better look at the private worlds of famous individuals and also experience a lovely surprise. You will enjoy discovering that learning English can be both fun and easy!

The lively content in this book will stimulate your conversations about these famous people and improve your oral English skills.

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