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Chapter Family & Love 家庭愛情篇
Unit 1 An anniversary週年紀念日
Unit 2 Watching TV 看電視
Unit 3 Holidays are important 假期是重要的
Unit 4 A bedtime story 床邊故事
Unit 5 Washing the car 洗車
Unit 6 Father and son 父親和兒子
Unit 7 Cooking dinner 煮晚餐
Unit 8 Mother and daughter 母親和女兒
Unit 9 A sense of humor 幽默感
Unit 10 What's the temperature today? 今天的氣溫如何?
Unit 11 A hot day in the city 在城市中炎熱的一天
Unit 12 A loving couple 一對相愛的情侶
Unit 13 Talking dirty 低俗的談話

Chapter Food & Entertainment 飲食娛樂篇
Unit 14 Hot dogs in New York 紐約的熱狗
Unit 15 Eating too much! 吃太多了!
Unit 16 Mother and son 母親和兒子
Unit 17 Eating at a high-class restaurant 在高級餐廳用餐
Unit 18 Speaking clearly 說清楚
Unit 19 Going on a diet 節食
Unit 20 Small talk 閒聊
Unit 21 A Broadway musical 百老匯音樂劇
Unit 22 Thumbs up! 很滿意!
Unit 23 At the movies 在電影院
Unit 24 Talking it over 討論(電影)
Unit 25 Scalping tickets 黃牛票
Unit 26 Buying a scalped ticket 買黃牛票

Chapter Going Out 外出篇
Unit 27 A Burglary 竊案
Unit 28 A confession 承認錯誤
Unit 29 At the Post Office 在郵局
Unit 30 Buying stamps 買郵票
Unit 31 Traffic lights 紅綠燈
Unit 32 Buying a newspaper 買報紙
Unit 33 Newspaper vendor 報紙小販
Unit 34 Taking a bus 搭乘公車
Unit 35 Getting off a bus 下公車
Unit 36 Waiting for a bus 等公車
Unit 37 Waiting for a traffic light 等紅綠燈
Unit 38 Learning to be patient 學習有耐心
Unit 39 Crossing the street 過街

Chapter Business & Social Life 商業社交篇
Unit 40 At a Beauty Salon 在美容院
Unit 41 Saying thanks 道謝
Unit 42 Shopping trip 購物之旅
Unit 43 New York traffic 紐約的交通
Unit 44 Negotiation 磋商
Unit 45 Final decision 最後的決定
Unit 46 Making an appointment 約時間
Unit 47 Changing an appointment 改變約定
Unit 48 Closing a business deal 結束商業交易
Unit 49 AOK 一切順利
Unit 50 Booking an airplane ticket 預訂機票
Unit 51 Making a plane reservation 訂機位
Unit 52 Business meeting 商業會議
Unit 53 Winning a negotiation 贏得談判
Unit 54 A lunch date 午餐的約會
Unit 55 College friends 大學朋友
Unit 56 Delivering a package 遞送包裹
Unit 57 A bicycle messenger 腳踏車送貨員
Unit 58 A prank call 惡作劇電話
Unit 59 Confronting a prank caller 與惡作劇的來電者對質
Unit 60 Sexual harassment 性騷擾
Unit 61 A bad joke 不好的笑話
Unit 62 Telling a joke 講笑話
Unit 63 Addictions 沈溺
Unit 64 Teenagers talking 青少年的談話
Unit 65 Job interview 工作面試

Chapter Exercise 運動篇
Unit 66 A baseball game 棒球比賽
Unit 67 Jogging for exercise 慢跑運動
Unit 68 Hot weather 炎熱的天氣
Unit 69 Staying in shape 保持健康
Unit 70 Time to exercise 運動的時間到了
Unit 71 Working out 健身
Unit 72 Making a bet 打賭
Unit 73 Winning a bet 贏得打賭

Chapter Sickness 疾病醫療篇
Unit 74 Going to the hospital 去醫院
Unit 75 Trusting the doctor 信任醫生
Unit 76 The recovery room 恢復室
Unit 77 Going home from the hospital 從醫院出院回家
Unit 78 Night shift 夜班
Unit 79 Graveyard shift 夜班
Unit 80 Talking with a doctor 與醫生談話
Unit 81 After an operation 手術後
Unit 82 Golfing buddy 打高爾夫的球友
Unit 83 Golf handicap 高爾夫讓步賽
Unit 84 Grandmother and grand-daughter 祖母和孫女
Unit 85 A "care package" 「關心的包裹」
Unit 86 Preparing for death 準備接受死亡
Unit 87 Planning to live a long life 計劃要活下去
Unit 88 Taking medicine 取藥
Unit 89 "Tea and sympathy" from a pharmacist 來自醫生的「茶與同情」
Unit 90 Pregnant woman 懷孕婦女

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