A Christmas Carol | 拾書所

A Christmas Carol

$ 170 元 原價 200
Marley's Ghost is coming! He will come in the middle of the night to give Scrooge a warning: "You have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate. . . . You will be haunted by Three Spirits."

Scrooge is a selfish, relentless, indifferent businessman. Will he accept the invitation of the Three Spirits and learn a valuable lesson in life? Will he still have a chance to change his very fate?

Technology, economics, and politics may seem to change the world every day. But how we treat our family members and neighbors are fundamental issues that may not have changed much in the last 100,000 years. By reading A Christmas Carol, you need to think about what you will be remembered for and what your fundamental values are. Maybe there is a more important question: What are you doing with your life?



本書為查爾斯‧狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的經典著作。全書全彩插圖、標示重點單字、IPA音標與英英注釋、搭配原文閱讀MP3,與全文中英對照,帶領讀者體會狄更斯筆下,人類的貪婪與自私,以及人性的善良與偉大,細細品味作品的雋永與智慧。

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