The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(25K附MP3) | 拾書所

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(25K附MP3)

$ 196 元 原價 230
《The Legend of Sleepy Hollow》(睡谷傳奇)述說一位來自康乃狄克州、名叫「奕可柏.柯鶴」教師,他來到一個叫做「睡谷」的小村落所發生的故事。他在那裡遇到了一位富有農夫的美麗女兒「嘉翠娜.凡.陶蘇」,對她傾心不已。不過他有一個很臭屁的情敵,叫做「保洪.碰司」。在女孩家中所舉辦的一場宴會之後,女孩拒絕了他的追求,他只好落寞地騎著馬回家。在回家途中,他遇到了可怕的「無頭騎士」,這是一個幽靈,是革命戰爭期間敵方的一名士兵。在一場恐怖至極的追逐後,奕可柏消失了。睡谷的居民認為,奕可柏後來也成了村子裡的幽靈。

故事的情節有諸多背景,主要故事來自頗具權威的Diedrich Knickerbocker的文件,他是一個虛構的荷蘭歷史學家。劇情中的戰爭、鬼故事和迷信等,則透過村民陳述出來,此外還有一些故事來自奕可柏最喜歡的《新英格蘭的巫術史》一書。


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1809) tells the story of a schoolteacher from Connecticut, Ichabod Crane, who comes to the small village of Sleepy Hollow. When he meets Katrina Van Tassel, the pretty daughter of a wealthy farmer, he falls in love. But he has a rival, the boastful Brom Bones. After a party at her house, Katrina rejects Ichabod’s courtship and he rides home dejected. On the way back he encounters the terrifying Headless Horseman, the ghost of an enemy soldier from the Revolutionary War. A frightening chase ensues and Ichabod disappears. The people of Sleepy Hollow believe that Ichabod’s ghost now haunts the village.

The narration runs on various levels. The main story is presented as an authentic account found among the papers of the narrator, Diedrich Knickerbocker, a fictional Dutch historian. The stories about the war, ghosts and superstitions are told by the villagers. We know also that Ichabod reads some frightening stories from his favorite book, A History of New England Witchcraft.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an early example of American fiction. It explores the themes typical of the newborn nation: greed for money and possessions in a country rich in natural resources, physical mobility in a vast continent where people can travel to seek their fortune, the survival of the European heritage, the memory of the war still fresh in people’s minds and their attachment to the superstitions and beliefs of the past.

● Helbling Classics(經典英文文學改寫)
● Helbling Fiction(當代原創英文小說)




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2.About the Book(本書簡介):介紹故事內容概要,幫助了解故事的背景與旨意。

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