Yaiwan Literature: English Translation Series - Special Issue on Lee Chiao 台灣文學英譯叢刊 NO.36(10 | 拾書所

Yaiwan Literature: English Translation Series - Special Issue on Lee Chiao 台灣文學英譯叢刊 NO.36(10

$ 450 元 原價 450
In this special issue, we have selected and translated eight stories, among which “Kusheng” [Sobbing] belongs to the Fantsai Forest series of the early period. For stories that reflect the depression, fear, and pain of life in modern society, we have selected, “Zuori shuizhi” [Yesterday’s Leeches], “Kongnan zheng” [Phallophobia], “Zhizhu” [The Spider], and “Renqiu” [The Human Ball], all of which are more or less tinged with morbid Modernist psychology. Among Lee Chiao’s works concerning political issues, we have “Gaomizhe” [The Informer] and “Nielong” [Evil Dragon]. Of works imbued with Buddhist thought we have “Mouzhong huahui” [A Certain Kind of Flower]. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we could not include another story, “Xiuluo ji” [Ashura Sacrifices]. Because of space limitations, we could not include works of historical fiction. All ‘the’ hard work of our dedicated translators deserves our greatest appreciation.

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