The Holy Bible was originally referred to as the ‘Biblion’ in Greek. The word ‘Biblion’ translates directly into ‘book,’ but in the 12th century it became known as the Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible is divided into two books: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
The Old Testament is God’s contract and covenant with the Israelites through the peacemaking of Moses. The New Testament is the teachings of Christianity through the words of Jesus.
The Old and New Testament are composed of sixty-six books that are a compilation of writings from more than 40 different writers over a 1500-year period. The contents of these books are on a vast scale and record the history of different periods and the religious teachings of Christianity.
The Old Testament starts with the creation and then tells the story of mankind through Adam and Eve, Abraham’s family, Moses, and the Jewish exodus from Egypt. Stories about the kings of Israel and the prophets Elijah and Daniel are also included.
本系列為Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces套書的英文版,是專為初學者或小學到高中學生所精心設計的世界文學名著改寫讀本,共分為五級,故事由入門的初級350字,到中級及進階級的1000字寫成,讀者可藉由閱讀簡單精煉的故事文字,增進閱讀與聽力理解能力,培養文學涵養,擴展閱讀視野,品嚐英文的純正趣味。
Reading Room所選名著因皆為讀者非常熟稔的故事,所以極易讀懂故事內容。學習者在享受閱讀之時,英文能力也能飛速增進,更能沉浸在閱讀英文名著的興味中。
★Before You Read:1–2級讀本以繪製精美的跨頁情境繪圖,結合圖帶出故事中的重要單字和英文表述法。3–5級讀本則介紹故事重要人物。
★Understanding the Story:3–5級讀本補充故事背景解說,幫助更加融入故事精神。