《米其林指南香港 澳門2009》帶您發掘這城市的星級滋味
‧《米其林指南》縱橫飲食世界 109 年, 廣受認同。
‧「米其林星級評分」聞名遐邇, 以 * 至 *** 評鑑最佳餐廳。
‧推介港、澳兩地不同舒適程度和價格等級的最佳食肆,包括以 ( attached logo ) 標示的超值餐廳。
For more than a century Michelin's obsessively-researched restaurant and hotel guides have been indispensable to Europeans and travelers seeking great places to dine and stay in Europe at all budget levels. Each listing is recommended by Michelin's team of anonymous, local independent inspectors. Each restaurant has a one-page spread including color photos and description. Each hotel has a two-page spread the description and photos. Colorful maps at the end of the guide make locating recommended restaurants and hotels easy.
‧《米其林指南》縱橫飲食世界 109 年, 廣受認同。
‧「米其林星級評分」聞名遐邇, 以 * 至 *** 評鑑最佳餐廳。
‧推介港、澳兩地不同舒適程度和價格等級的最佳食肆,包括以 ( attached logo ) 標示的超值餐廳。
For more than a century Michelin's obsessively-researched restaurant and hotel guides have been indispensable to Europeans and travelers seeking great places to dine and stay in Europe at all budget levels. Each listing is recommended by Michelin's team of anonymous, local independent inspectors. Each restaurant has a one-page spread including color photos and description. Each hotel has a two-page spread the description and photos. Colorful maps at the end of the guide make locating recommended restaurants and hotels easy.