梅里停在一朵香菇上。她從頭到腳都在發抖。終於,她離開了蜂窩!這是她第一次看到這個世界還有一切令她好奇的東西。哇!真的是太棒了!梅里張開翅膀,然後慢慢的飛了出去。 Melli lands on a mushroom.She is shaking from tip tp toe. Finally,she is outside os the hive!For the first time,she can see the world and all of its wonders.It is so wonderful!Melli opens her wings and flies away.
梅里停在一朵香菇上。她從頭到腳都在發抖。終於,她離開了蜂窩!這是她第一次看到這個世界還有一切令她好奇的東西。哇!真的是太棒了!梅里張開翅膀,然後慢慢的飛了出去。 Melli lands on a mushroom.She is shaking from tip tp toe. Finally,she is outside os the hive!For the first time,she can see the world and all of its wonders.It is so wonderful!Melli opens her wings and flies away.