Cracking the Gmat With 2 Computer-adaptive Practice Tests, 2019 | 拾書所

Cracking the Gmat With 2 Computer-adaptive Practice Tests, 2019

$ 788 元 原價 875
IF IT'S ON THE TEST, IT'S IN THIS BOOK. Get all the prep you need to ace the GMAT—including 2 full-length computer-adaptive practice tests for realistic exam preparation, up-to-date content reviews for every test section, and extra practice online.Techniques That Actually Work.• Step-by-step problem-solving guides for the toughest question types• Detailed examples of how to use process of elimination to your advantage• Key strategies to help you work smarter, not harder Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.• Comprehensive subject coverage of all GMAT topics• A thorough review of necessary Math, Verbal, Writing, and Integrated Reasoning skills• Bulleted chapter summaries for quick referencePractice Your Way to Perfection.• 2 full-length CAT practice exams with online score reports and detailed answer explanations• Diagnostic warm-ups that help focus your review• 180+ additional practice questions, sorted by difficulty, to customize your prep• Drills for each test section in the book

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