The Blue Pocket Book of French Verbs: 333 Fully Conjugated Verbs | 拾書所

The Blue Pocket Book of French Verbs: 333 Fully Conjugated Verbs

$ 315 元 原價 350
Based on the popular language "bibles," The Blue Pocket Book of French Verbs and The Red Pocket Book of Spanish Verbs are the most comprehensive, clearest, and easiest-to-use sources for beginning and intermediate learners. Now these books are even more convenient for school or home use thanks to their smaller trim size. But these pocket-sized guides are still mightier than all of the competition in this format. These portable guides offer smooth sailing through the turbulent seas of a new grammar with: 333 fully conjugated verbs, listed alphabetically Current idioms and expressions for each verb Full facing page of usage examples for the top50 verbs One-stop, at-a-glance verb-tense profiles More than 2,200 verbs cross-referenced to models A handy guide to deciphering irregular verb forms English index to the model verbs

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