Word Power Made Easy 英文字彙縱橫談 | 拾書所

Word Power Made Easy 英文字彙縱橫談

$ 252 元 原價 280
Do you always use the right word? Can you pronounce and spell it correctly? Do you know how to avoid illiterate expressions? Do you speak grammatically without embarrassing mistakes? If you could improve in any of these areas, you need Word Power Made Easy. Written by one of the most respected experts in the field of grammar, Word Power Made Easy is a complete handbook using simple, step-by-step methods that will increase your knowledge and mastery of the English language. You will learn to:

  • --Speak and write with confidence
  • --Read more effectively and efficiently
  • --Learn quickly
  • --Develop social contacts
  • --And increase your earning power

    Revised to eliminate outmoded references and to reflect current idioms, Word Power Made Easy remains the quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language. It teaches ideas and methods for broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary-building process.
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