The Next Great Bubble Boom | 拾書所

The Next Great Bubble Boom

$ 502 元 原價 558
Contents Prologue The New Science: How Simple, Predictable Principles Drive Complex Change 1 The Investment Opportunity of a Lifetime Uncanny Parallels with the "Tech Wreck" of 1919-1922 and the Roaring Twenties "Bubble Boom" That Followed 2 The Bubble Boom Why the Five Conditions That Create Technology Bubbles Will Continue in This Decade 3 Taking Advantage of Strong Recurring Cycles to Reduce Risk in Volatile Markets The Most Comprehensive Forecast and Simplest Investing Model Ever 4 Demographics and the Outlook for Real Estate Home Prices Will Continue to Underperform Stock Prices and the Economy for the Rest of This Decade 5 Life Planning How the Economy's Life Cycle Will Intersect with Your Own 6 The Outlook for Investment Markets Large-Cap, Small-Cap, and International Stocks; Long- and Short-Term Bonds 7 Optimum Portfolio Strategies for the Great Boom Ahead and the Great Bust to Follow Understanding Risks and Returns in the Different Seasons of Our Economy 8 The New Millionaire Economy Creating Wealth by Understanding the Rise in Mass Affluence Epilogue The Ultimate Bubble: Human Population Is Peaking After Thousands of Years of Exponential Growth Index Permissions Acknowledgments

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