Rich Dad`s Conspiracy of the Rich 富爸爸,有錢有理 | 拾書所

Rich Dad`s Conspiracy of the Rich 富爸爸,有錢有理

$ 441 元 原價 490
In late January, 2009, Robert Kiyosaki launched CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH - a free online book which was written in serial basis to help people understand how the current recession came about, and what they need to learn on how to survive through the coming rough years. An unprecedented publishing event for Kiyosaki and The Rich Dad Company, CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH is an interactive project in which Kiyosaki has invited feedback, commentary, and questions from readers across the globe. Millions and millions of readers have flocked to the website (, and some of their comments have made them contributors to the project, and ultimately this audiobook!

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