Mythology:Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes | 拾書所

Mythology:Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes

$ 221 元 原價 280
The Gods, the Creation, the Earliest Heroes
Stories of Love and Adventure
Heroes of the Trojan War
The Great Family of Mythology
The Mythology of the Norsemen
“Classical mythology has long needed such a popular exposition as Miss Edith Hamilton has given us in this volume, which is at once a reference book and a book which may be read for stimulation and pleasure.”—New York Times

These great stories from Greek, Roman and Norse Mythology are the fountainhead of all literature. In them, the figures of antiquity come vividly to life.
Renowned for her love and understanding of classic literature, Edith Hamilton has retold these great myths for modern readers in a way that preserves the flavor and excitement of the originals.

此書由著名古典文學學者Edith Hamilton編寫,引領現代讀者進入饒富趣味的原著經典。

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