The Window Box Gardening Book: an inspirational and practical guide | 拾書所

The Window Box Gardening Book: an inspirational and practical guide

$ 315 元 原價 350
Don?t have a lot of room for gardening? Live in the city with only a balcony or less to grow a garden? Then this is the book for you. This book resurrects the art of window box gardening. From formal arrangements of evergreens and classic flowers to delicate romantic plantings, The Window Box Gardening Book offers an extraordinary range of design for every environment. Here are charming country window boxes, sophisticated urban plantings, special gardens for sun and shade, and dazzling arrangements that highlight fragrant flowers and edible hers and blossoms. With practical information on every step of window-box gardening, more than 100 evocative color photographs, and a directory of plants, this is a beautiful and definitive guide to window-box design.

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