Children's music chart | 拾書所

Children's music chart

$ 2,218 元 原價 2,464
This research work sought to discuss how children, between 05 and 06 years, involved in a musicalisation project relate, understand and graph the musical parameter height, and how this graph relates to other knowledge or factors experienced by them in their daily lives. With this in mind, the work was proposed to be divided into four chapters, the first bringing theoretical foundation about the development, about everything of the age group researched, addressing the principles of Piaget, Vygotski and Wallon. The second chapter deals with musical spelling, changes and types of spelling, favouring the spontaneous musical spelling proposed in this research. The third chapter, on the other hand, contemplates the regency performance in the Musicalisation with Children project, how the classes took place, the planning, methodology used and data collection. Finally, the results of the data analysis made by the researcher and the external judges will be discussed and exposed in the last chapter.

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