InkSoothe | 拾書所


$ 2,515 元 原價 2,794

Once upon a time in a faraway village, there lived a wise old poet. He was known for his enchanting words and his ability to bring comfort to troubled souls. For years, he had been using a special ink made from the petals of a rare and magical flower. The poet believed that this ink had the power to soothe the soul. Whenever someone came to him with a heavy heart, he would write them a poem using his special ink. As the ink touched the surface of the paper, its magic would come to life, gently embracing the reader's pain and transforming it into words of solace and hope. One day, a young woman arrived at the poet's doorstep. She was burdened by grief and sorrow, seeking solace that seemed impossible to find. The poet, with his gentle smile, invited her inside and listened attentively to her story. Moved by her pain, the poet dipped his quill pen into the inkwell filled with the precious ink. With each stroke, the ink danced on the paper, weaving a tapestry of empathy and understanding. The woman watched in awe as her anguish began to dissolve, replaced by a newfound sense of peace. As the final words of the poem were written, the woman felt a warmth spreading through her being. The poet handed her the parchment, and as she read the verses, tears of healing streamed down her face. She was no longer burdened by her grief, for the ink had touched her soul and transformed her pain into something beautiful. From that day forward, the young woman carried the poem with her wherever she went. Whenever sadness threatened to overwhelm her, she would read the verses, and the ink's magic would soothe her soul once more. And so, the ink continued to bring solace to those in need, spreading its healing power throughout the world.

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