Study of the applicability of developmental teaching in sport | 拾書所

Study of the applicability of developmental teaching in sport

$ 2,016 元 原價 2,240
Our central concern lies in the possibility of Physical Education, through its intervention processes, taking on an objective character in the sense of enabling students to form conceptual thinking through generalisations based on detailed analysis of the attributes of objects and the potential concepts represented in them, developing theoretical and appropriate thinking in order to act logically in solving everyday problems, all from a generalising mode of sports learning. This claim to human development does not occur in a neutral way, given that it is a historical and cultural perspective of human formation based on the historical and dialectical materialist philosophical method. Thus, in order for individuals to develop their thinking, understanding the explanatory dynamics of things in movement and contradiction, they need a theory for interpreting reality that transcends formal logic, as this only reaches abstract thinking that is often far removed from the concrete reality of facts.

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