PAT Practice Papers | 拾書所

PAT Practice Papers

$ 1,161 元 原價 1,290
Practice is the key to success in the PAT. Whilst there are many ways to improve your performance, you cannot be fully prepared until you have worked through authentic questions under the simulated environment of the real test. That's why UniAdmissions produced these practice papers. Working through these practice tests under exam conditions will build your familiarity with the test format. Using the fully worked solutions you can fine-tune your performance before test day arrives to ensure you perform to the best of your ability.Published by the UK's leading University Admissions Company, this fully up-to-date resource contains all the latest question styles in the test, as written by our specialist test tutors. Practicing with these papers will allow you to rapidly improve your test scores and approach the real exam with confidence and gain the score you deserve.

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