Pablo fue a la tienda de ropa porque necesitaba una chaqueta nueva. Su chaqueta vieja ten穩a agujeros y necesitaba algo nuevo para ponerse que fuera c籀modo. Su vieja chaqueta era verde, pero el vio una chaqueta roja que le gust籀. Se lo prob籀, pero no le result籀 c籀modo. De hecho, ninguna de las otras chaquetas le quedaba bien. Una joven que trabajaba all穩 se le acerc籀 y le pregunt籀 si necesitaba ayuda. El explic籀 que quer穩a comprar una chaqueta nueva, pero nada le quedaba.-聶Se簽or? 聶Esta chaqueta es para ti o para una amiga?-Es para mi.-Bueno, esta es la secci籀n de mujeres. 聶Quieres que te muestre d籀nde est獺 la secci籀n de hombres?" Shopping AssistancePablo went to the clothing store because he needed a new jacket, His old jacket had holes in it, and he needed something new to wear that was comfortable. His old jacket was green, but he saw a red jacket that he liked. He tried it on, but it was not comfortable. In fact, none of the other jackets fit him. A young woman that worked there approached him and asked if he needed any help. He explained that he wanted to buy a new jacket, but nothing fit him. "Sir? Is this jacket for you or for a friend?""It is for me.""Well, this is the woman's section. Would you like me to show you where the men's section is?"