Paving Paradise | 拾書所

Paving Paradise

$ 709 元 原價 788
raws readers into its difficult subject by resorting to the dirtiest trick in the journalist bag of tricks: great storytelling.?Creative Loafingncovers what ought to rank among Florida most notorious development scandalsnd that something in a state infamous for swampland scams and subprime sprawl. . . . An infuriating, all-too-familiar tale of how powerful developers, shrewd lobbyists, and callow politicians shape public policy for private profit.?Miami Heraldhis is an exhaustive, timely, and devastating account of the destruction of Florida wetlands, and the disgraceful collusion of government at all levels. It an important book that should be read by every voter, every taxpayer, every parent, every Floridian who cares about saving what left of this precious place.?Carl HiaasenFlorida possesses more wetlands than any other state except Alaska, yet since 1990 more than 84,000 acres have been lost to developmentespite presidential pledges to protect them.In this hard-hitting book, St. Petersburg Times investigative journalists Craig Pittman and Matthew Waite explain how taxpayers who think theye paying for wetland protection have been stuck with a program that creates the illusion of environmental protection while doing little to stem the tide of destruction.?A potent combination of groundbreaking historical research and no-holds-barred reporting, this book portrays a landscape that has been compromised by greed, fear, and incompetence.

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