Sanctuary | 拾書所


$ 4,725 元 原價 5,250
Are humans fated to destroy the world or save it? The sanctuary movement answers that a “world with us” can be filled with beauty and compassion for all creatures great and small. This intimate coffee-table book combines personal stories and original photographs from some of the most unusual sanctuaries in the world. Featuring more than 20 sanctuaries in 20 countries, including public and private, ancient and new, this book celebrates the sheltering of innocence in all its forms, animal, plant, insect, and human with stunning photography and intimate, lyrical prose. These pockets of Eden preserve and protect what is most precious to us and to the Earth. Sanctuaries include: the Iberian Wolf Sanctuary in Portugal, Brigitte Bardot's sanctuary La Mare Auzou in France, Gut Aiderbichl in Austria, Bear Refuge Alertis, Rhenen in Holland, Bialowieza National Park in Poland. Other remarkable places included are in the United States, Suriname, South Africa, Namibia, Yemen, Bahrain, Dubai, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Borneo, Japan, and Bhutan.

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