Choose the Correct Spelling | 拾書所

Choose the Correct Spelling

$ 310 元 原價 344
50 English Spelling Tests Test your spelling skills with spelling testsSample This: Choose the Correct Spelling - Test 01Below are given words with five different spellings each. Choose the correct spelling of each word:01 -- (a). deligation (b). dalegetion (c). dalegasion (d). delegation (e). delegaeton02 -- (a). afficionado (b). affecionado (c). aficionado (d). afficeonado (e). aficianaedo03 -- (a). divolution (b). devaolution (c). develution (d). divoluteon (e). devolution04 -- (a). relauctant (b). reluctant (c). riluactant (d). reluktent (e). riluctent05 -- (a). renaisance (b). rinaisance (c). renissance (d). rinassance (e). renaissance06 -- (a). resucitate (b). resuscitate (c). reuscitate (d). risucitate (e). risuccitate07 -- (a). ludite (b). lauddite (c). laudite (d). luddite (e). laudite08 -- (a). perambulate (b). perumblate (c). parambalate (d). parumbulate (e). perambalate09 -- (a). itenerant (b). itinerant (c). etinerant (d). etenerant (e). itinaerent10 -- (a). misantrope (b). misanthope (c). misantharpe (d). misanthrape (e). misanthrope11 -- (a). prefligate (b). profligate (c). praflogate (d). praflegate (e). proflegate12 -- (a). deleverance (b). dilevernce (c). deliverance (d). deliverence (e). diliverance13 -- (a). sungfroid (b). songfoid (c). sangfroed (d). songfreid (e). sangfroid14 -- (a). abundoned (b). abaendoned (c). abandoned (d). abendoned (e). abundoend15 -- (a). adjudicite (b). adjudicute (c). adjuedcate (d). adjudicate (e). adjeudicate16 -- (a). admontion (b). admonition (c). admonetion (d). admoniteon (e). admunition17 -- (a). begueling (b). begaling (c). begaileng (d). begailing (e). beguiling18 -- (a). burgeon (b). burdgeon (c). burdeon (d). bargeon (e). bargaeon19 -- (a). cabodle (b). cabuudle (c). caboodle (d). caboudle (e). cabuodle20 -- (a). capetulate (b). cepitulate (c). captulate (d). cepituelate (e). capitulate21 -- (a). chiknery (b). chicanery (c). checanery (d). checunry (e). checunery22 -- (a). corsen (b). carsen (c). caorsen (d). coarsen (e). coorsen23 -- (a). coquette (b). coquete (c). coqutte (d). coquite (e). coqquete24 -- (a). depresive (b). depressive (c). dipressive (d). diprassive (e). dipresive25 -- (a). dispice (b). despice (c). despyse (d). despise (e). dispyseAnswers to the Exercise 01:01 -- (d). delegation 02 -- (c). aficionado 03 -- (e). devolution 04 -- (b). reluctant 05 -- (e). renaissance 06 -- (b). resuscitate 07 -- (d). luddite 08 -- (a). perambulate 09 -- (b). itinerant 10 -- (e). misanthrope 11 -- (b). profligate 12 -- (c). deliverance 13 -- (e). sangfroid 14 -- (c). abandoned 15 -- (d). adjudicate 16 -- (b). admonition 17 -- (e). beguiling 18 -- (a). burgeon 19 -- (c). caboodle 20 -- (e). capitulate 21 -- (b). chicanery 22 -- (d). coarsen 23 -- (a). coquette 24 -- (b). depressive 25 -- (d). despise

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