How to Write Sex | 拾書所

How to Write Sex

$ 806 元 原價 895

Does the idea of writing a sex scene scare the pants off you? Are you looking for strategies to heat up the sex you write or show your characters' sensuality in a more realistic light? This straight-talking and practical guide to writing about sex explores some of the less talked about aspects of writing the erotic. In this book you'll discover:

-How to overcome the fear of writing this aspect of fiction.

-How to write from a sex positive perspective.

-How to sensitively manage aspects of gender identification.

-How to responsibly handle the issue of consent.

-How to write erotic prose that will stimulate your readership.

-What to consider when portraying dark sexual fantasies.

-The role of the mind in sexual activity.

Writing sex scenes that sizzle needn't be a daunting prospect if you harness the techniques explored in this easy-to-follow guide to writing about intimacy.

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